Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved at church. Attending services is of course the most important way to participate in the life of the church, but there are many other ways to get involved as well.
Get Involved
Growth Groups
A Growth Group is a structured series of sessions where growth-minded people come together to grow faster together than they could apart. Led by our facilitators, these groups are great for building momentum in the spiritual growth of everyone. Lessons help individuals become closer to God, Jesus Christ, and the church family. John Wesley stated, “Small groups provided a context in which seekers could receive support, accountability, and encouragement.”
Get Involved
United Methodist Men
The St. James United Methodist Men meets on the 1st Thursday of the month except for July and December at 6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The gathering usually consists of a meal followed by a guest speaker where topics can range from a ministry at St. James to an opportunity or concern within the community. The group’s mission is “To help men grow in Christ, so others may follow”. The UMM continue their faith walk by supporting Boy Scout Troop 61 and other projects within St. James and Carteret County. All men of the church and guests are invited to attend!
St James Choir
It is the goal of the Saint James Chancel Choir to enhance worship with a variety of music. Members of the choir meet weekly to practice songs of joyful adoration and thoughtful reverence. Anthems and special music range from cherished hymns of Christian heritage to contemporary praise and worship. There are no requirements to be a part of the choir other than a desire to raise one’s voice in a sacred song.
Get Involved
Wednesday Fellowship Lunch
Wednesday Fellowship Lunch meets at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Joseph Park will lead a devotion with lunch to follow. We gather on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from September through May. All are welcome. RSVP is requested for meal planning purposes.
Get Involved
United Women of Faith
Saint James United Methodist Church offers two monthly gatherings of women in faith. Women who would like an opportunity to meet with other women to discuss matters of faith are welcome to attend. You do not have to be a church member to participate. Members share devotions, programs, food, and fellowship and plan community service activities.
The Actionettes Circle meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:30 am. The New Visions Circle meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Meetings usually last about an hour. Both groups meet in the SJUMC Fellowship Hall located near the Main Street entrance to the Church. Come join us!

Physical Address
1011 Orange St
Newport, North Carolina 28570

Phone Number
(252) 223-4231

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 250
Newport, NC 28570