Community Ministry
We focus on bringing people together to meet the needs of the community and making a difference in the lives of others.
Community Ministry
Thrift Shop
Through donations, the Thrift Shop is able to generate the financial capacity to support the food pantry and the social services provided through the Matthew 25 Fund. Through the sales of items donated to the shop, we are able to raise enough money to purchase food for the community and help with small bills.
At the same time, items at the store are carefully processed by our volunteers, and priced with our clients in mind, to provide them with affordable options for their families.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you are in need! We are here for the community. Thrift Shop days of operation: Tuesday & Thursday 10-4, Saturday 10-1.
Community Ministry
Katey’s Kits
Katey’s Kits collects, purchases, and supplies feminine hygiene products to young women in Carteret and surrounding counties who are experiencing period poverty. Self-confidence, a healthy lifestyle, and positive body image development are at the core of our organization. By supplying pads and tampons we are able to improve attendance, focus, and extracurricular participation.
Community Ministry
Family Promise
The mission of Family Promise of Carteret County (FPCC) is to coordinate Christian hospitality services for homeless parent(s) with a child or children, and pregnant women. St. James UMC supports this ministry with quarterly monetary donations along with requested needs. Family Promise Day Center is located at 1500 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC.
Community Ministry
Relay For Life
A community-based fundraising event for the American Cancer Society which started in Iowa in 1985. Currently, 4 million people take part in Relay events in over 5,000 communities in the United States yearly. St. James has had a team since 1996 raising thousands of dollars for this worthy cause. Our most successful fundraisers are our Luminary Sales, honoring those surviving cancer and remembering those we have lost to cancer. Each one is special to us.
Community Ministry
Matthew 25
Matthew 25 is an outreach program of St. James United Methodist Church. Incorporated in January 1997 as a 501(c)(3), Matthew 25 offers food, clothing, and financial assistance to qualified residents of Newport, NC. It is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors and receives funding from the SJUMC Thrift Shop and from donations. Matthew 25 is open to families and individuals needing help on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
Community Ministry
St. James Day Care provides child care from 6 weeks of age to pre-Kindergarten, in a Christian faith-based environment. Students may attend from 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. After-school care for students attending Newport Elementary school is also available. St. James Day Care and Pre-School are fully accredited by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development and Early Education.
Community Ministry
Red Cross Blood Drive
Every day, blood donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. In fact, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. St James is proud to be a Premier Blood Partner with 357 units collected in 2021.
Community Ministry
Medical Equipment Ministry
A program that is available to provide temporary use to help individuals in need. Items include wheelchairs, bedside commodes, walkers, canes, shower chairs, diapers, and bed pads. Equipment is available by calling the Church Office at 252-223-4231 or Judy Jenkins RN at 571-243-4727.
Community Ministry
St James Facilities
St James desires that our church facilities be used for the glory of God. All facility requests should further the mission of St James United Methodist Church – a community of Christians seeking to respond to Christ’s call to discipleship and to bring healing and wholeness to persons and relationships by: Celebrating our faith through worship, Growing in the knowledge of Christ and Christian teaching, Providing for and strengthening Christian fellowship, Affirming and Encouraging the talents and gifts of persons, Responding to human need, Sharing and Living the love of God revealed in Christ, and by Actively Bringing others into the family of God.
There is a number of rooms and gathering spaces available for rental use by both Members and Non-Members. In order to schedule, please contact the church office at 252-223-4231 to begin the application process.

Physical Address
1011 Orange St
Newport, North Carolina 28570

Phone Number
(252) 223-4231

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 250
Newport, NC 28570